Category Archives: Staying Fit

Darn you, Ben & Jerry’s! Why did you create the perfect ice cream now?

This morning during my leg workout visions of ice cream lumbered through my head. Not any old ice cream, though, but the brand-new “core” ice creams being advertised by Ben & Jerry’s. Sigh. Ask anyone I know and talk to on a regular basis: I’ve been thinking about these danged ice creams ever since I […]

Small steps led to big changes for Orrington man

A year ago, Kyle Killip bravely showed up for my high-intensity sports training class. He’d decided to take part in a “Lose 20 Pounds in 20 Months” challenge I was holding to celebrate the publication of my book. Kyle’s life took a turn for the different after that class, which tended to cater to the […]

I’d rather do 100 burpees than vacuum my tiny living room

I hate doing housework. I dread it and dislike it the entire time I’m doing it. I’ve tried everything to make myself look forward to my time puttering around my home. I just can’t. Meh. However, I do enjoy the result. Entering my kitchen and seeing clean counters and a shiny sink? Awesome. Settling into […]

Two years ago, she had a stroke; two months from now, she’s taking the bikini stage

One of the things I do as a fitness professional is help people get ready to compete in physique competitions. You know, like bodybuilders and figure and bikini athletes. I gotta tell you, every one of my clients betrays the stereotype society tends to hold of people who get involved in such things. They’re focused […]